
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

PerScholas, Keith Klain, Doran Jones and how this industry is changing

I hadn't heard about PerScholas till 2013. I guess Keith Klain introduced PerScholas to the testing world through his leadership activities during his awesome stint in Barclays. The idea was definitely exciting but it needed more than an idea. Every idea needs awesome people to execute. 

I don't exactly know how Keith Klain found Doran Jones Inc to join as its COO but it was the best thing to happen to our industry, when I look back. At a situation where every country's economy is not looking good, Keith Klain and PerScholas seems to have struck the deal with software testing to improve America's economy. Ever since I met Paul Holland in 2008, I have become his fan. He is one of the most awesome guys I have met who has great balance and abundance of humor and charm. Paul Holland, James Bach and Michael Bolton have supported PerScholas in its training software testers and I know for sure for those who got trained, they are left with enough inspiration from these cool guys. Now, Paul Holland is also a part of Doran Jones and that is great news for the testers there.  

Read this news: 150 Software Testing Jobs Brought to Nation’s Poorest Congressional District Bringing Millions in Economic Revenue 

This is massive. As a businessman, tester and someone who cares for the community and industry of software testing, this news is one of the biggest I have seen in terms of bringing in a change. For Doran Jones Inc, this builds great respect. For PerScholas leadership team, this is what they dreamed to see, I guess.

This news brings hope to our industry that good people exist, and some good people have courage too and they act, not just speak. To the person of the year and years to come, I salute you.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bangalore Workshop on Software Testing - 4

The BWST is back. There was a gap of 3 years after BWST 3 to get to 4. All because I was doing things that took my time away from community activities to build Moolya. Moolya and I are doing great enough for me to resume my community activities. So, as BWST is back so is Pradeep back to the Indian software testing community activities. I am not an easy guy. I have never been one. I have grown more uneasy over the last three years and hence the community would find great benefits out of my uneasiness :) . Let time speak about it.

Theme of BWST 4: The secret ingredient to great testing 
June 21st, Bangalore

I have secret ingredients with me when it comes to testing. I am the big fat Panda who believes there are no secret ingredients but however what I mean by secret ingredient is - something that already exist but has not yet become obvious to a lot of people. That also means - some people know it - some people practice it - some people are experts at it. I would like to invite people to come and present their secret ingredients to great testing that they practice. 

I have never presented at any of the BWST so far but I'd be presenting my secret ingredients in this one. Just to share with you here, one of the many secret ingredients I am going to be presenting. I was fooling myself that learning testing is a never ending process till I discovered the "meta" to learning testing. The meta to learning testing helped me understand testing in very simple ways. I can see people struggling to learn testing despite 100 years of doing it because they didn't work on building their "meta". If you go to the meta - things become simple and when you bring the meta to your life, things become obvious. 

Just because I have the meta - I am able to pass through all the noise people are creating to themselves and see things clear. This also helps me advice people well on testing. My posts on Quora are a big evidence to what I am speaking. My posts anywhere is a big evidence to what I speak. So is my work.

Do you have your secret ingredients to present? Please email your thoughts to pradeep.srajan at the famous mail service that starts with g with subject Speaking at BWST4. I am looking at experience reports. Your experience reports. There will only be 4 speakers over the day and hence giving so much more time for discussions. 

If you wish to be a participant but not speak at BWST4, then email me with subject Participating at BWST4. I'd like to hear why I should allow you into being a participant at BWST4? Tell me something really crazy or tell me how you are going to change the world if I allow you to be a participant. 

Some pointers about BWST
  • This is a pay for yourselves (max 750 rupees) peer facilitated conference/workshop. 
  • The max number of participants would be 30
  • This is a full day event : 900 AM to 5:30 PM
  • We will have a social drinks and dinner evening after the event (again, pay for yourselves)
  • We will have plenty of discussion about testing.
  • If you are a speaker you would have 30-45 minutes to speak and 45 minutes open house facilitated discussions around your topic and other topics that crop up.
  • Venue will be communicated only to confirmed participants.
  • Last date to send speaker submissions is May 11th, 2014
  • Participant entries are first come first served.
  • There would be a wait list usually if the max number is reached before you send your request.