
Monday, June 30, 2008

It's a "tester" who finds a bug, even with the robust Google Search

The image you might see above is a screen shot of what I saw after hitting the 12th page for the search results of "tester". I am not sure if you can reproduce that because I haven't investigated on it but I did plan to capture it to demonstrate:

"The test doesn't find the bug. A human finds the bug, and the test plays a role in helping the human find it."

Be it with the robust systems like Google Search Engine or with weak systems that we might be using, it is always a HUMAN who finds a bug. A lot of testers I know think of "test case" finding a bug.

There is a test case document that consists of 9856985956895869698569956985698459698 test cases and no tester executing it wouldn't find bugs by itself. There is a test case document with 3 documented tests and a tester takes the help of that to find bugs when he executes, observes the result and recognizes a bug.

A test case is an extension of a test idea. What matters to a tester is a test idea and not the test case. Skilled (exploratory testers ( humans ) use tons of ideas ( heuristics and oracles ) to find and recognize bugs. That's why they can find more bugs that matter than those running thousands of test cases over and over again.

Honestly, 99% of testers I have come across didn't say - "I read each test case each time I have to execute it after I have done it once. Also, I religiously follow what is written in the test case".

What happens when they deviate from the documented test case is, they are exploring and running different test. Maybe they don't like to call it that way because their management who pays wouldn't like to know that they are not executing the "test cases".

That's how customers are fooled by management saying "yes, we are running test cases" and yet benefited by the testing community by running more tests.

A test idea can be executed in hundreds of different ways. Check out the deep analysis made by James Bach and Michael Bolton on What Do Scripts Tell Us?

Pradeep Soundararajan - - +91-98451-76817 -

"The test doesn't find the bug. A human finds the bug, and the test plays a role in helping the human find it." --

Friday, June 06, 2008

Letter to myself

Dear Pradeep,


I have been with you all this while and shall continue to be with you. I am enjoying each moment you enjoy as a tester and also each moment that you don't enjoy as a tester. I am sorry for enjoying those moments which you think you haven't been enjoying. I am sure you'd be interested to know why and how I have been enjoying those moments that you haven't been.

First, let me list the thing that you haven't been enjoying:
  • Whenever and wherever you write about test automation, a handful of readers tend to think that you reject the idea of test automation and they write harsh e-mails to you.
  • Whenever and wherever you write about certification, the certified tester community attacks you over e-mails/phone calls that you and I are spoiling the craft.
  • Whenever and wherever you write about programming skill for testers, another handful readers think that you are suggesting testers not to learn programming.
  • Whenever and wherever you write about tools, most testers think you are referring to test automation tool.
  • Whenever and wherever you write about yourself or your experience, a set of people think you lack humility.
  • Whenever and wherever you write about exploratory testing as a skilled activity, a set of people think "no tester would do be able to do that".
  • Whenever and wherever you write about ideas to solve a problem than giving a one line answer, a set of people think you don't know how to solve it and is faking what you know.
  • Whenever and wherever you are writing about testing being an excellent thinking job, a few people think you are trying to paint a picture that does not exist.
  • Whenever and wherever you - do bad testing, fail in testing course like BBST, you feel intimidated by more skilled people than you, you feel bad about not having learned or practiced those things that helps you become a better tester, you fail to give enough respect to expert testers time, etc...
In this context, I'd like to remind you of a learning you had from Michael Bolton: There are some things under your control and there are other things that are not under your control. Taking advantage of things under your control, as a tester, is essential to clear traps and it might also lead to gaining more control. To take advantage of things under your control, you first should realize what are the things you control.

I also remember that you had made a note in your Moleskine of Saurav Ganguly's television interview where he was asked: How were you able to make a great comeback to the world cup cricket squad after being axed for poor performance? His answer: I didn't worry about things that are not under my control ( media critique, jokes on bad batting performance, e-mail forwards about my performance, people gossiping about it ) but focussed on things that are under my control ( Practice, skill enhancement, consistent batting record in Ranji trophy)

Similarly, you don't have a control over the thoughts of people thinking whatever they think after reading whatever you have written. You have a control over what you write and you have a control over the way you write it.

Your testing has been influenced by a lot of experts but not all have similar influence. They haven't seen great testing to appreciate the things you are sharing and I doubt if all those who witness it would be influenced by it because it's hard work and high skill demanding.
  • Not all testers want to do great testing
  • Not all testers know they are doing bad testing.
  • Not all testers want to know they are doing bad testing.
  • Not all testers want to know more about testing.
  • Not all testers know what skills to gain and practice.
  • Not all testers agree to be context driven.

Here are three questions ( like the Monty Python and the Holy grail bridge of death piece you enjoy )

1.Whom are you serving through your writing?

I am sure your ongoing struggle is in understanding that. Let me help you with what I think about whom you are serving - You are serving those testers who look for better thought process and those who enjoy the better thought process and those who think you have a better thought process.

2. Who asked you to serve them?

I asked you to do that!

3. Why haven't you been enjoying some moments that I have been?

You want all testers to do great testing although you know its not possible. Some people question your idea of "great testing" because they already have an idea of "great testing" and it conflicts with the idea you have. You are able to demonstrate that their idea of "great testing" lacks critical thought as your idea of "great testing".

By the way, your idea of "great testing", is not yours but of those people who have influenced you. You have just subscribe to those ideas and are contributing to it in different forms. I have occasionally witnessed you doing bad testing and I am sure I would see that in future, too. Do not forget that you are a human and your ideas are fallible. I know bad testing and bad thought process irritates you, even if you are the one who is doing it.

I would love to see you doing things that are under your control - learning, reading, writing, bettering your skills, helping those testers who enjoy the thought process that you enjoy, speaking, coaching and mentoring.

Your power to influence testers is limited. Limited to the ones who don't want to limit themselves. So do unlimited things under limited time that you and I will be here in this world.

I will be with you forever, enjoying everything you do from great things to not so great things. Anything you do is great to me.

I will write to you whenever I feel a need for it. This letter is personal, just between you and me.

"Here is a way to test if your mission on earth is complete - if you are alive, it isn't" -- Richard Bach

Yours truly,

Pradeep Soundararajan - - +91-98451-76817 -

"The test doesn't find the bug. A human finds the bug, and the test plays a role in helping the human find it." --